Monday, November 15, 2010

"Be like a Child"

My blog title is “ Road to Success”, but I just gave a thought actually what is the meaning of “success”, which I should have done before writing my first post. I have opened the dictionary and seen the meaning of success, it is given favorable achievement and good fortune.
There might be different school of thoughts regarding success, according to me the end result of being success is happiness or else I will put in this way to be happy we want to be successful.
At the end of the day, to keep in simple words “everyone wants to be happy”. Happiness levels differs from individual to individual.
Human beings are divided into two groups-first, those who took joy in what they do, second is those who complained about what they did. Friends try to be in first category.
For few people happiness is a state when you are content with what you have, have no regrets and are not worried about the future, sometimes happiness comes naturally and at other times,it may require some effort.
There are moments when problems occur in our lives, and we cannot avoid them. But they are there for some reason. What reason? That is a question we cannot answer before, or even during the trials, only when we have overcome them do we understand why they were there
Happiness comes from our attitude towards life. I firmly believe in being happy with what ever god has given, Most of all, it is when I think of being here on this earth that it makes me happy and grateful to the supreme being above who has given me the chance to experience life.
To keep simple,happiness means being free from pressure and leading an uncomplicated life. Its important to keep track of the simple pleasures in life. Friends did u ever experience the happiness in giving, I request you to visit atleast once in a month or 2 months to any near by orphanage or old age home and spend some valuable time over there and donate. I bet the happiness you get over there is 100 times better than our normal parties , I am not saying to stop partying but once a while spend some time in orphanages , just among 4 week ends you allot 1 week end to this.

Be like a Child

When ever we see a small kid we smile and try to make them smile. Friends a child can always teach us 3 things
1)To be happy for no reason
2)To be always be busy with some thing
3)To know how to demand with all his might that which he desires
Friends if we just give a small chocolate to the kid who is crying, he stops crying and smiles immediately. Children have no past , everything that matters is the present moment, they forget their past immediately and live in the present. We should try to be like child and enjoy each and every moment of our life without any tensions.
People are strange if they get success, the credit goes to them, but if they fail destiny is responsible, instead of thinking what went wrong we say our fate is not good..But friends generally unless a 'do or die' situation confronts us, we never act on anything.
I would like to end the post with a story from the life of king Shivaji which inspired me a lot.
Tanaji was a military commander in King Shivaji's army. History says that while Tanaji was at his son's wedding, he received urgent summons to capture the fort atop a mountain which had come under the enemy's possession. Tanaji left his son's wedding and quickly collected his men to attack the enemy and recapture the fort.
“ At nightfall, Tanaji decided to climb the mountain using ropes. They chose the most difficult terrain as the enemy would least expect that. On reaching the top, Tanaji ordered his men to cut all the ropes they had used so there was no way of going back. His juniors advised him against it, but the mighty courageous Tanaji knew better. Now as they are having no other option but to win the war to survive. Tanaji's warriors put on their best possible fight. By early next morning the fort was recaptured.
Moral of the story is “People don't perform when you give them options. They perform better when there is no other option!”
so friends don't worry if you are not having any option when you are facing will bring best out of you.
Keep smiling and make others smile.....take care