Friday, August 12, 2011

"Incredible India"

Freedom is everyone's right. Fight for it to enjoy it!!!
A very Happy Independence Day to All!!!
Would just like to share few facts which make every Indian PROUD

Q. Who is the creator of Pentium chip (needs no introduction as 90% of the
today's computers run on it)?
A. Vinod Dahm

Q. Who is the founder and creator of Hotmail (Hotmail is world's No.1 web
based email program)?
A. Sabeer Bhatia

Q. Who is the president of AT & T-Bell Labs (AT & T-Bell Labs is the creator
of program languages such as C, C++, Unix to name a few)?
A. Arun Netravalli

Q. Who is the new MTD (Microsoft Testing Director) of Windows 2000,
responsible to iron out all initial problems?
A. Sanjay Tejwrika

Q. We Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America , even faring better than the whites and the natives.
There are 3.22 millions of Indians in USA (1.5% of population). YET,
38% of doctors in USA are Indians.
12% scientists in USA are Indians.
36% of NASA scientists are Indians.
34% of Microsoft employees are Indians.
28% of IBM employees are Indians.
17% of INTEL scientists are Indians.
13% of XEROX employees are! Indians.

Some of the following facts may be known to you. These facts were recently published in a German magazine, which deals with WORLD HISTORY FACTS ABOUT INDIA .
1. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.
2. India invented the Number system. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
3. The world's first University was established in Takshila in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects.
The University of Nalanda built in the 4 th century BC was one of the
greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
4. According to the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software.
5. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans.
6. Although western media portray modern images of India as poverty striken and underdeveloped through political corruption, India was once the richest empire on earth.
7. The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 5000 years ago. The
very word "Navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.
8. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is now k! nown as the Pythagorean Theorem. British scholars have last year (1999) officially published that Budhayan's works dates to the 6 th Century which is long before the European

9. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India . Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11 th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 10 53.
10. According to the Gemmological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world.

11. USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless communication was Professor Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.
12. The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.
13. Chess was invented in India .
14. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health
scientists of his time conducted surgeries like cesareans, cataract,
fractures and urinary stones. Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient
India .

15. Histories mentioned that Kalaripayattu is the mother of all the martial
arts in the world
16. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.

Quotes about India .

We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no
worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
Albert Einstein.

India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition.
Mark Twain.

If there is one place on the face of earth where all dreams of living men
have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India .
French scholar Romain Rolland.

India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.
Hu Shih
(former Chinese ambassador to USA )

BUT, if we don't see even a glimpse of that great India in the India that we
see today, it clearly means that we are not working up to our potential; and that if we do, we could once again be an ever shining and inspiring country setting a bright path for rest of the world to follow.
I hope you enjoyed it and work towards the welfare of INDIA .

Happy Independence Day.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fight like a hell!!!

i;j Friend's I happened to read Lance Armstrong's auto biography “ It's not about the bike-my journey back to life “ . It's a truly inspirational and must read book!!! It's like a motivational Bible. I felt like sharing the summary and what I learned from the book, so that it will be helpful to all.

A story of inspiration that will bring tears to your eyes, tears of compassion, joy and triumph. This is one man's story of incredible challenge of digging down deep for inner resources in managing and conquering cancer. He refused to give in and chose to fight the disease with all that he had.

Lance Armstrong, one of the world's most famous cyclists, shares the story of his life, his battle with cancer, and his amazing victory over it. Lance wanted to be a cyclist racer since he was a kid growing up in the suburbs of Austin, Texas. His road to success was a difficult one, but hard work, perseverance, and lots of training helped him to achieve his dream.

Lance Armstrong was at the peak of his career in early 1996. At that time, he had just won the World Cycling Championships and became the first cyclist to clock the widest winning margin in the U.S. National Road Race Championship’s history. Besides that, he had just signed a 2 year contract to ride with a famous French racing team for $2.5 million.

But his dream of riding for the French crashed on October 2, 1996 when he was diagnosed with advanced stage testicular cancer. The cancerous cells had spread to his lungs and brain and an urgent operation had to be arranged to remove his swollen testicle. Doctors told him he had a 50% chance of survival, even though they later admitted that it was inflated by almost 47%.

Fighting Spirit

Though doctors were not optimistic about his recovery, Lance Armstrong never gave up. After all, he was trained not to give up so easily since young. His mother, a single parent had always inculcated values of strong determination and persistence to him. There was once when he was found by his mother near the end of a triathlon about to quit. Upon her encouragement, he completed the race by walking. Although he came out last, he persisted till the end. I admire his love and admiration for his mother, who continues to be one of his strengths in his life. He was fortunate, as well, to have loving friends support him throughout his entire journey.

Using the same determination, Lance challenged his illness by going through the operation to remove the tumors and the long process of chemotherapy. He lost a lot of weight and was unable to even ride his bike around the neighborhood. 1 year of treatment time was horrible to describe ( the level of emotions, mental strength), he lost few of his main sponsors also. The thing which needs to be appreciated is, even though he was in death bed, he was moved by seeing the fellow patients and started “Lance Armstrong foundation” for cancer research and support. Millions of people are helped by this foundation.

It looked like his cycling career was over for good, and the only thing left to do was to take pain killers and try to enjoy whatever time he's got left, but Lance was determined to fight for his life and for his passion of a cyclist. He overcame fears and despairs and went through the treatments.

After he completed his chemotherapy sessions and was declared cancer free miraculously, he gradually went back to his first love : biking. But in the initial stage , It was very hard for him to regain his previous mental strength and cycling abilities. After few days, his post cancer training proved to be unexpectedly fruitful as he discovered that his 17 pounds of weight loss allowed him to scale stage races much more effortlessly than he used to.

He started training hard (mainly motivated by his wife kik and friends )As he cycled through the training trails of the Blue Rider Mountains, he sensed that something was different. He was finally ready to be a world class cyclist that stood steadfast regardless of the nature of the races, terrains or weather conditions.

He proved that his feeling was right when he earned the prized maillot jaune, the yellow jersey worn by the leading cyclist in the 1999 Tour de France ( most prestigious cycling event) right from the start.

When he breezed across with the finishing line with a strong lead, he was welcomed by his wife, who was pregnant via vitro fertilization after Lance’s cancer caused him to be sterile.

For the next 6 consecutive years, Lance proceeded to win the Tour de France and later wrote that he would choose overcoming cancer to winning the race because of what it has done for him as a human being, a man, a husband, a son and a father.

What Did I Learn From This Book?

That whether you like it or not, life’s full of challenges. If you can choose to tackle them with resolve and determination, there’s always something to gain in any challenge, even though it may not seem so evident initially. Challenges Are Life’s Vitamins, life without challenges is a bore.

In a way, challenges are vitamins, enriching our lives with ups and downs. For Lance, taking part in the Tour de France after beating cancer helped him to find out courage and firm belief in himself, something he might not have seen himself equipped with before. And one thing for sure, no matter how much some people dislike challenges, they’ll definitely and surely be there!

So, instead of regarding challenges as hindrance, why don’t you treat them as a chance to showcase your power? And I can guarantee you that after winning over them, life is no longer the same. It’ll be much more fulfilling and wonderful!

Don't ever be down in your life..generally we expect sympathy or soothing words from our friends, when we are down, but I liked the way Lance was during his treatment, he used to say to his mother and friends , “Don't worry I am going to make it, I will kill the cancer.”

Never Take What You Already Have for Granted

Lance’s illness gave me a strong signal that we should never take little things in life for granted. What seemed natural for some people like having good health mattered very much for Lance.

If you’re someone who’ve wished you were richer, better looking or more influential, have you ever taken some time to reevaluate what you already possessed and be grateful for it.

Do the things which u were passionate enough when ever you are down. Even though Lance was undergoing treatment, he used to go for six hour drive at high pain threshold. What he says is at least for a while you have a kind of hall pass and don't have to brood on your problems.

I totally agree with Armstrong statement that “We have unrealized capacities that sometime emerge only in crisis”

So friend's don't worry about anything in life...accept everything which comes and

Fight like a hell!!!

First time I have written summary of a book(after doing some Google search)....need ur suggestions if any improvements should be made

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Professional life Vs Personal life

Friends how many times it happened that u had bad day in the office and because of that your day at the home also spoiled and vice verse. I bet 99% of people might have experienced this one time or the other in their professional lives. During my initial stage of professional life as I was into sales I used to get calls from customers calling in the night at 10.30 and blasting us, imagine that day was gone, there were even days where I could not sleep properly because of this experiences. In the initial stage generally sales people face this type of problems ( Boss will be scolding you for not getting orders, customers will be back of you, you yourselves will be frustrated because of not getting orders even though after working hard etc etc). At the same way there are times when I had a personal problem , I could not concentrate much in the office.I had experienced this type of problems, but as days passed by, sales made me tough and I slowly started differentiating between Professional life & Personal life. I tried to follow and see that the problem in one will not affect other at all. Previously once a while I used to show frustration caused due to customers on friend's or family members, but now I am not doing at all..I bet everyone of you might have faced this problem in your life and might have given a thought how to overcome that. What I want to say over here is somewhere you have to put your foot down and draw a line between professional life and personal life .

EVERY one has trouble keeping personal and professional lives apart. We are human beings after all, and it is but natural that our personal and professional lives merge into one whole, in spite of our best efforts and intentions. The real problem arises only when one half starts hampering the effective functioning of the other. For example, when things are not going too well on the professional front, our work suffers. Then it is time to stop and take notice. You have to make an all out attempt to balance and keep your personal and professional life apart for the sake of your well-being. Instead of worrying about that problem and creating one more problem at home because of your behavior , you can control that by either not thinking about official matters at home or else sharing the problem with friends or family by getting some relief and suggestions. Else, you could end up losing both ways.

The author of `How to enjoy your life and your job,' points out how good, down to earth and sensible people who wouldn't dream of wasting any money are often reckless about the energy they squander worrying and procrastinating. If you are the type who worries a lot, allot a specific amount of time, say an hour or ten minutes (depending upon the degree with which you are afflicted), and utilize it solely for the purpose of worrying. If you get any worrisome thoughts during work, firmly admonish them and say to yourself. `Hey! Worry time is not until 5.30 pm. That's still 4 hours away. I have got work to do. This may help you to certain extent. Or else do one thing allot some time limit as 7 or 8 in the evening and practice in such a way a that you should not think about office matters at all after this time.

There are few people who are totally engrossed in their professional life and neglect personal life. One has to learn to be emotionally mature and not over react, to personal work situations and pressures. At work, understand that any criticism is probably not personal, but professional. You will be able to handle things better if you condition yourself to be professionally involved but emotionally detached, as far as your work is concerned. It is easier said than done though, if you happen to love your job; the trick is to identify yourself more with your profession and less with the company.

Remember that this, too, will pass. It’s a trite saying that may not offer much comfort in the moments of deepest pain, but the difficult times will not last forever.

Spend some time and retrospect yourselves and see whether you are happy with the present condition or not, if not this is the time for a change!!If you feel like professional life is affecting your personal life, take a “vacation,” or even take a leave of absence, this may help you to certain extent. Recently I have seen an article in the news paper , it's written that an happy family life is equal to earnings of 1,00,000 $ a year. So friends try to enjoy the life by keeping both professional and personal life in balance.

A blend of professional and personal life is a perfect way to live life up to king size !!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Everything happens 4 a reason"

Friends when anything happens to us which we don't want to or else which we did not expect, our mood will be off or else we show anger on some one and our entire day will be spoiled. If it is

a sensitive issue or anything regarding our personal life or future...we feel very bad and that affect will be on our daily activities.

Due to few experiences in my life, I used to ponder and question myself, why everything happens for me only when rest all are enjoying etc. Even now my friends give a sarcastic laugh when some thing weird happens to me. If I look back I regret many times now a days for being like that .

Everything happens for Good in our life. I would like to share one of my experience in my life.

In MBA during the placement week in our college, I have seen a notice from the company called G.G.Dandekar on the placement board. As it was the first time the company was recruiting from our college and as I have never heard about that before , I along with one my friend just laughed and did not apply for that. As during that time we were just dreaming of getting placement in top most companies of India. Without my knowledge someone has given my name for that company. As the interview was scheduled in the 2nd week of December and there were some 3-4 companies before that , I thought I will be placed. But, to my bad luck at that time I was not placed in any one of those companies, few I was out in the last round of interview. I requested my placement officer so that I can skip this company but they strictly said no. At last I went to the interview on Dec 14th 2008. Generally before going for an interview we try to study about the company , but I did not even know a line about the company and in which industry they were into. I did not even wear belt for the interview, you can imagine now how I went for that interview. I said to my friends that I will spoil the interview and went inside. I have given 2 rounds of interviews and got selected. Generally people will be very happy and excited when they were first placed. But I did not experience that feeling in my life. As they have offered me less package and as company is into manufacturing, I was not at all interested to take that offer. You can't imagine I called my parents after almost 5 hrs. The journey that night to my college was one of the worst journeys in my life where I cried and could not sleep at all...various thoughts came into my mind, how can I say to my friends about the company who no one knows. I said to my placement officer that I am not going to accept that offer , but they said that you are not having any option you need to take , as if I reject that company may not come for placements next time. They have convinced me to join and look for others after 3- 4 months. I used to feel guilty to say about my company name and regarding placement to my friends or seniors. In-front of my parents and relatives I just acted as if I am happy and got good job.

At last I have joined the company on April 1st 2008, keeping in mind of working at the most for 3-4 months. Adding spice to the wound is, it was typical Maharashtra manufacturing company, where people usually talk in Marathi. I don't even know Hindi properly at that time. Days passed by and I slowly started liking the company as I got chance to work under some of the best people of the company. They have given me very good responsibility and role with in 3 months over there. Got a chance to lead an experienced team and learned a lot from their experiences.

Today my 37th month is running in the company and now due to God's grace and the support of our management,i am in a decent position in the company . Even though most of my friend's are shifting the jobs for better pay packages and better roles, I did not think much about shifting the job.

I wish my journey continues in this company, learn a lot and bring laurels to the company.

Friends what I want to convey here is anything may happen in your life against your wishes( eg- you may not get the job which you like, boy friend or girl friend leaving you etc,there may be delay in you being placed ) Instead of worrying about them just try to change your mind and put your 100% effort, in which ever place you are, give your best rest everything will follow... I can bet you , everyone will come out in flying colors in their lives. Everything happens for a reason and Everything happens for good. Just believe and go a head....Keep Rocking bye bye

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Don worry about result: Give Ur Best

Friend's I was lucky to watch sachin scoring his 99th century in a recent one day international in thoughts of that superb innings were still in my mind...happened to read an excellent article written by Harsha Bhogle...I thought it's worth reading as it's so thought provoking and inspirational.

Remember when you failed an examination. How many people recall that, your class, friends, relatives? You failed to make it to the IITs or IIMs. Who remembers. How many times have you had the feeling of being the best in your class, school , university, state….., you failed to get a visa stamped this quarter…, you missed a promotion this year…, how did it feel when you dad told you in your early twenties that you are good for nothing…..and now your boss tell you the same...

You keep introspecting and go into a shell when people most of whom don’t matter a dime in your life criticize you, back bite you, make fun of you. You are left sad and shattered and you cry when your own kin scoffs at you. You say I am feeling low today. It takes a lot from us to come out of these everyday situations and move on. A lot??? really?

Now here’s a man standing on the third man boundary in the last over of a world cup match. The bowler just has to bowl sensibly to win this game. What the man at the boundary sees is 4 rank bad bowls bowled without any sense of focus, planning or regret. India loses, yet again in those circumstances when he has done just about everything right.


He does not cry. Does not show any emotion. Just keeps his head down and leaves the field. He has seen these failures for 22 years now. And not just his class, relatives, friends but the whole world has seen these failures. We are too immature to even imagine what goes on in that mind and heart of his. That’s why I would never want to be Sachin.

True, he has single handedly lifted to moods of this entire nation umpteen number of times. He has been an inspiration to rise above our mediocrity. Nobody who has ever lifted the willow even comes close to this man’s genius. His dedication and metal strength is unparallel. This is specially for those people who would have made fun of him again last night when India lost. They are people who are mediocre in their own lives. Who just scoff at others to create cheap fun. Who have lived in a small hole throughout their lives and thought they have seen the oceans.

Think about the man himself. He is 37 years of age. He has been playing almost non stop for 22 years. The way he was running and diving around the field last night would have put 22 year olds to shame. The way he played the best opening quickies in the world was breathtaking. He just keeps getting better which is by the way humanly impossible. Its not for nothing that people call him GOD.

But still I don’t want to be in those shoes. We struggle in keeping our monotonous lives straight, lives which affect a limited number of people. Imagine what would be the magnitude of the inner struggle for him, pain both mental and physical, tears that have frozen with time, knees and ankles and every other joint in the body that is either bandaged or needs to be attended to every night, eyes that don’t sleep before a big game, bats that have scored 99 international tons and still see expectations from a billion people.

And he just converts those expectations into reality. We watch in awe, feel privileged.

Well I think its time that his team realizes that enough is enough. They have an obligation, not towards their country alone but towards sachin. They need to win this one for him. Stay assured that he himself will still deliver and leave no stone unturned to make sure India wins this cup.

This is not just a game, and he is not just a sportsman. Its much more than this. Words fail here.....

Keep Rocking Guys...... Catch u Soooon....Dill

Monday, February 28, 2011

Football Vs Life

Friends I am lucky to study in a school where they give importance to holistic development of the student. Obviously our tilt used to be towards sports than studies or cultural activities. We used to enjoy playing all type of sports but there used to be more tilt towards football.

Ever since I was in school I loved playing football. Teachers used to scold us by seeing our sweat shirts early morning but we used not bother at all. The amount of happiness we used to get while playing is not comparable with anything.

Football taught many things in my life. When I introspect myself what football taught me in this quarter century, many things came in to my mind, I just thought of keeping my thoughts relating the football game with personal life. My love for football and everything I learned from playing the sport helped me realize that it is one of my many passions in life.

In a football game, the real test starts when we are tackling with opponents in the football field. Generally if we are having the ball with us and none of the opponent team member is near to us we easily take the ball forward. If anyone comes we dribble the ball to left or right or between the legs , tackle them and go a head, if we can't tackle we give pass to our team member, with his support we take the ball forward and at the end by clearly observing the goalie we need to shoot the ball. In order to score the goal we need to be aggressive once a while , we need to play tactics and we need the support of team. As we never give up in the game similarly in life we may face many tribulations and obstacles, like the game we must be smart enough to turn right or left or straight or take support of our friend to go a head to be successful. Usually we fall many times while playing , we get up immediately and go a head, the same way we need to be in our personal life, be like a spring when ever you fail, learn from it and go a head.

There might be times where u were knocked out by opponent. "That's not fair!", is one of the most common statements repeated continually by people today. Well, it's time that we learn that life isn't fair. You will get knocked down, people will cheat and the call will not always go your way. But, you must get up and get back into the game or lose. If you stay down, you can't win.

We need to learn that being the best means preparing, persevering, and practicing whether you want to or not. We need to understand that things will be difficult at times, It's all part of life. But quitting is not an option.We need to regain a sense of responsibility, loyalty and commitment. The most important of these being commitment.

We may win or lose in the game. When you win nothing hurts. Never take to heart and go down when you lose. I don’t think anything brings people closer together than loss. Give your best in the field or personal life don't worry about results.

Football is like life, it requires perseverance, commitment, self-denial, hard work sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.

The structure and discipline of football allows us to learn and reinforce all of the above traits.

Do the things which ever you are passionate towards:

Even though I was injured or not feeling well or busy with work, I used to go to play football. Especially during my MBA days I got bunch of guys who are passionate towards football and enjoy playing it. The amount of happiness I used to get while playing football is more than me being a topper in studies. That one hour total concentration will be on game, no need of thinking of our problems, exams, future, girl friends etc etc.

Friends what is my point over here is, while studying or doing work we get all the above mentioned things in to our mind. It means that if we are passionate enough and really interested in particular work, no one can stop us or interfere us. We can come out with flying colors or else at-least we enjoy what we do.

I had so many different passions in my life – football, performance, friendship, love – that through my experiences I developed a passion for life itself.

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

Keep Rocking!!!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Role Models

Hello friends...I hope everyone is fine and rocking in their respective fields in this new year...This month we had a sales meet in Alibag. During our sales meet in this month our MD asked each and everyone of our team who is our role model and what did we learn from him? No one asked this question till date in my life or else I never gave a thought regarding this before.. We may have different role models in different phases of our life...Few said movie star names ( Amitabh, Arnold etc), few said sports person names ( Sachin, Lance armstrong etc ) , role models may be different but one common trait liked by everyone is even though there were Ups and downs in their lives , they have over come them with strong determination and sheer hard work and came out with flying colors.

The first one who came to my mind is cricket legend “ Sachin Tendulkar”. Everyone has pitfalls in their career but because of his hunger, focus,humbleness, commitment towards the goal and discipline towards the game, he is in such a position right now. Discipline involves tirelessness and incremental improvement. over the last two decades, if Tendulkar’s batting has shown us anything, it is the sheer virtue of discipline—of the extra half-hour spent in the nets, even after younger colleagues have hit the bars. That discipline is why, even at 37, Tendulkar can score 1,500 runs in a calendar year, enjoying a purple patch that eludes not only freshly blooded youngsters but even comparable peers like Ricky Ponting.

Tendulkar’s career offers an object lesson in staying focused. His 22-year-long career, with 51 test centuries and 46 one-day international tons, is not just a source of joy for his fans and followers, but can also be a handbook on excellence, leadership and management for business.

Each and every individual is influenced by many in their respective careers. During my childhood I was influenced by my cousin. The one thing which I liked the most in him is knowing about each and every small thing in a detailed way...Generally we never go in deep and find out the details. From that day I have decided to know in detailed way, whether it is about an individual , company or product.

One more influenced person is my Batch mate during my MBA days. The one thing which I liked the most in her is her ever smiling face, I have never seen dull or down in 2 years. She smiles every time or make others smile by her childish and bubbly character.

List continues if I think about the influenced persons in my life.....

Did You Learn from Your Role Model:

Friends what I would like to say here is are we learning anything from our role models or else are we just admiring and praising them. Each and everyone of you try to think about your role models and find out exactly what you liked in them and try to imbibe that qualities in you. Friends try to bring discipline in your life..“The most important lesson is the fact that talent without discipline is useless. It takes you nowhere”..

Ups and downs comes in everyone’s life, Don't worry when ever you are down just face the situation with confidence. Every problem can be eradicated..

Live in such a way that people think you as a “Role Model” and follow you..

Rock the world friends...All the best...