Monday, February 28, 2011

Football Vs Life

Friends I am lucky to study in a school where they give importance to holistic development of the student. Obviously our tilt used to be towards sports than studies or cultural activities. We used to enjoy playing all type of sports but there used to be more tilt towards football.

Ever since I was in school I loved playing football. Teachers used to scold us by seeing our sweat shirts early morning but we used not bother at all. The amount of happiness we used to get while playing is not comparable with anything.

Football taught many things in my life. When I introspect myself what football taught me in this quarter century, many things came in to my mind, I just thought of keeping my thoughts relating the football game with personal life. My love for football and everything I learned from playing the sport helped me realize that it is one of my many passions in life.

In a football game, the real test starts when we are tackling with opponents in the football field. Generally if we are having the ball with us and none of the opponent team member is near to us we easily take the ball forward. If anyone comes we dribble the ball to left or right or between the legs , tackle them and go a head, if we can't tackle we give pass to our team member, with his support we take the ball forward and at the end by clearly observing the goalie we need to shoot the ball. In order to score the goal we need to be aggressive once a while , we need to play tactics and we need the support of team. As we never give up in the game similarly in life we may face many tribulations and obstacles, like the game we must be smart enough to turn right or left or straight or take support of our friend to go a head to be successful. Usually we fall many times while playing , we get up immediately and go a head, the same way we need to be in our personal life, be like a spring when ever you fail, learn from it and go a head.

There might be times where u were knocked out by opponent. "That's not fair!", is one of the most common statements repeated continually by people today. Well, it's time that we learn that life isn't fair. You will get knocked down, people will cheat and the call will not always go your way. But, you must get up and get back into the game or lose. If you stay down, you can't win.

We need to learn that being the best means preparing, persevering, and practicing whether you want to or not. We need to understand that things will be difficult at times, It's all part of life. But quitting is not an option.We need to regain a sense of responsibility, loyalty and commitment. The most important of these being commitment.

We may win or lose in the game. When you win nothing hurts. Never take to heart and go down when you lose. I don’t think anything brings people closer together than loss. Give your best in the field or personal life don't worry about results.

Football is like life, it requires perseverance, commitment, self-denial, hard work sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.

The structure and discipline of football allows us to learn and reinforce all of the above traits.

Do the things which ever you are passionate towards:

Even though I was injured or not feeling well or busy with work, I used to go to play football. Especially during my MBA days I got bunch of guys who are passionate towards football and enjoy playing it. The amount of happiness I used to get while playing football is more than me being a topper in studies. That one hour total concentration will be on game, no need of thinking of our problems, exams, future, girl friends etc etc.

Friends what is my point over here is, while studying or doing work we get all the above mentioned things in to our mind. It means that if we are passionate enough and really interested in particular work, no one can stop us or interfere us. We can come out with flying colors or else at-least we enjoy what we do.

I had so many different passions in my life – football, performance, friendship, love – that through my experiences I developed a passion for life itself.

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

Keep Rocking!!!!!