Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Everything happens 4 a reason"

Friends when anything happens to us which we don't want to or else which we did not expect, our mood will be off or else we show anger on some one and our entire day will be spoiled. If it is

a sensitive issue or anything regarding our personal life or future...we feel very bad and that affect will be on our daily activities.

Due to few experiences in my life, I used to ponder and question myself, why everything happens for me only when rest all are enjoying etc. Even now my friends give a sarcastic laugh when some thing weird happens to me. If I look back I regret many times now a days for being like that .

Everything happens for Good in our life. I would like to share one of my experience in my life.

In MBA during the placement week in our college, I have seen a notice from the company called G.G.Dandekar on the placement board. As it was the first time the company was recruiting from our college and as I have never heard about that before , I along with one my friend just laughed and did not apply for that. As during that time we were just dreaming of getting placement in top most companies of India. Without my knowledge someone has given my name for that company. As the interview was scheduled in the 2nd week of December and there were some 3-4 companies before that , I thought I will be placed. But, to my bad luck at that time I was not placed in any one of those companies, few I was out in the last round of interview. I requested my placement officer so that I can skip this company but they strictly said no. At last I went to the interview on Dec 14th 2008. Generally before going for an interview we try to study about the company , but I did not even know a line about the company and in which industry they were into. I did not even wear belt for the interview, you can imagine now how I went for that interview. I said to my friends that I will spoil the interview and went inside. I have given 2 rounds of interviews and got selected. Generally people will be very happy and excited when they were first placed. But I did not experience that feeling in my life. As they have offered me less package and as company is into manufacturing, I was not at all interested to take that offer. You can't imagine I called my parents after almost 5 hrs. The journey that night to my college was one of the worst journeys in my life where I cried and could not sleep at all...various thoughts came into my mind, how can I say to my friends about the company who no one knows. I said to my placement officer that I am not going to accept that offer , but they said that you are not having any option you need to take , as if I reject that company may not come for placements next time. They have convinced me to join and look for others after 3- 4 months. I used to feel guilty to say about my company name and regarding placement to my friends or seniors. In-front of my parents and relatives I just acted as if I am happy and got good job.

At last I have joined the company on April 1st 2008, keeping in mind of working at the most for 3-4 months. Adding spice to the wound is, it was typical Maharashtra manufacturing company, where people usually talk in Marathi. I don't even know Hindi properly at that time. Days passed by and I slowly started liking the company as I got chance to work under some of the best people of the company. They have given me very good responsibility and role with in 3 months over there. Got a chance to lead an experienced team and learned a lot from their experiences.

Today my 37th month is running in the company and now due to God's grace and the support of our management,i am in a decent position in the company . Even though most of my friend's are shifting the jobs for better pay packages and better roles, I did not think much about shifting the job.

I wish my journey continues in this company, learn a lot and bring laurels to the company.

Friends what I want to convey here is anything may happen in your life against your wishes( eg- you may not get the job which you like, boy friend or girl friend leaving you etc,there may be delay in you being placed ) Instead of worrying about them just try to change your mind and put your 100% effort, in which ever place you are, give your best rest everything will follow... I can bet you , everyone will come out in flying colors in their lives. Everything happens for a reason and Everything happens for good. Just believe and go a head....Keep Rocking bye bye