Sunday, May 22, 2011

Professional life Vs Personal life

Friends how many times it happened that u had bad day in the office and because of that your day at the home also spoiled and vice verse. I bet 99% of people might have experienced this one time or the other in their professional lives. During my initial stage of professional life as I was into sales I used to get calls from customers calling in the night at 10.30 and blasting us, imagine that day was gone, there were even days where I could not sleep properly because of this experiences. In the initial stage generally sales people face this type of problems ( Boss will be scolding you for not getting orders, customers will be back of you, you yourselves will be frustrated because of not getting orders even though after working hard etc etc). At the same way there are times when I had a personal problem , I could not concentrate much in the office.I had experienced this type of problems, but as days passed by, sales made me tough and I slowly started differentiating between Professional life & Personal life. I tried to follow and see that the problem in one will not affect other at all. Previously once a while I used to show frustration caused due to customers on friend's or family members, but now I am not doing at all..I bet everyone of you might have faced this problem in your life and might have given a thought how to overcome that. What I want to say over here is somewhere you have to put your foot down and draw a line between professional life and personal life .

EVERY one has trouble keeping personal and professional lives apart. We are human beings after all, and it is but natural that our personal and professional lives merge into one whole, in spite of our best efforts and intentions. The real problem arises only when one half starts hampering the effective functioning of the other. For example, when things are not going too well on the professional front, our work suffers. Then it is time to stop and take notice. You have to make an all out attempt to balance and keep your personal and professional life apart for the sake of your well-being. Instead of worrying about that problem and creating one more problem at home because of your behavior , you can control that by either not thinking about official matters at home or else sharing the problem with friends or family by getting some relief and suggestions. Else, you could end up losing both ways.

The author of `How to enjoy your life and your job,' points out how good, down to earth and sensible people who wouldn't dream of wasting any money are often reckless about the energy they squander worrying and procrastinating. If you are the type who worries a lot, allot a specific amount of time, say an hour or ten minutes (depending upon the degree with which you are afflicted), and utilize it solely for the purpose of worrying. If you get any worrisome thoughts during work, firmly admonish them and say to yourself. `Hey! Worry time is not until 5.30 pm. That's still 4 hours away. I have got work to do. This may help you to certain extent. Or else do one thing allot some time limit as 7 or 8 in the evening and practice in such a way a that you should not think about office matters at all after this time.

There are few people who are totally engrossed in their professional life and neglect personal life. One has to learn to be emotionally mature and not over react, to personal work situations and pressures. At work, understand that any criticism is probably not personal, but professional. You will be able to handle things better if you condition yourself to be professionally involved but emotionally detached, as far as your work is concerned. It is easier said than done though, if you happen to love your job; the trick is to identify yourself more with your profession and less with the company.

Remember that this, too, will pass. It’s a trite saying that may not offer much comfort in the moments of deepest pain, but the difficult times will not last forever.

Spend some time and retrospect yourselves and see whether you are happy with the present condition or not, if not this is the time for a change!!If you feel like professional life is affecting your personal life, take a “vacation,” or even take a leave of absence, this may help you to certain extent. Recently I have seen an article in the news paper , it's written that an happy family life is equal to earnings of 1,00,000 $ a year. So friends try to enjoy the life by keeping both professional and personal life in balance.

A blend of professional and personal life is a perfect way to live life up to king size !!