Saturday, February 25, 2012

To err is human- Accept It

Hii friends, I am just pondering about what to write from past few days , few topics came to my mind like art of appreciation , art of accepting mistakes etc. I felt it is important to write on accepting mistakes learning from mistakes and going a head in life because in recent times have seen many people who when committed any mistake don't accept and few, they accept but be so depressed and spoil their future. Thought of just throwing some light on this topic.

As a human being, we all make mistakes. It is quite normal. But now a days instead of accepting mistake we try to argue and Justify.
Unfortunately, it is our natural instinct to try to justify our actions. When you make a mistake, the initial reaction is to blame someone else.
Yes, I drove my car into the wall, but it was all my partners fault for distracting me with her gossiping…”
we could not complete the project in given time because they were not sincere in their efforts”

These type of statements we often hear in our daily life now a days
When mistakes are made, the boss is unlikely to be interested in justifications. We justify mistakes for the sake of our ego. Sometimes it is best to say, very simply — yes, I made a mistake instead of arguing.

Apologize with Dignity

If you’ve made mistakes that harm other people, it is important to offer a dignified apology. Be clear that it was an unfortunate incident that will not be repeated. A good apology can go along way to restoring trust.
If you don’t apologize, out of embarrassment or unwillingness, the offended person will hold it against you. If your apology is sincere, the other person is likely to forgive you.
It is more effective to apologize in person, rather than through email. However, once you have apologized, it is mistake to repeatedly say sorry for the same mistake. Some people keep apologizing over and over again. This becomes irritating. It is better to sincerely apologize once and then move on.
Generally the biggest mistake what people do is passing on the mistake or blaming others' for their mistakes. Don't show a finger on others, if you can do something to stop or reduce do it, otherwise don't comment at all.

Understand Why The Mistake Occurred

Mistakes occur for various reasons. To avoid repeating them, you need to understand the underlying reason.
For example, you may have spoken in anger and haste; the mistake here is to say unkind words. However, what led you to be angry in the first place? Try to find out the reason and try not to repeat.
If u feel that you have not done any mistake and u were made the culprit. Don't worry. Don't think much about past mistakes. Never use the story of your past as an excuse to reiterate the same outcomes as have always been , never nurture the habit of carrying your story with you all through your life. Never let any negative outcome of any past action get deep rooted in your memory.
Sometimes we make mistakes with our behavior. Considering about that mistake later on, we realize that we should have not to do it. But as i said we are all human being and we cannot help ourselves with making mistakes. When we make mistakes, we feel sad and we regret. There is only one way to beat it which is fix them.

Avoid Repeating Mistakes

You should avoid feeling guilty about making mistakes, but at the same time, you should make a resolution to learn from them. If you repeat the same mistakes, it shows you aren’t making progress and causes repeated suffering.

Mistakes are Opportunities to Learn

From your own mistakes you can gain wisdom and accelerate self-improvement. Mistakes, because of their relationship with risk taking, are essential to success. The important thing is to view mistakes as a useful stepping stone to a higher reality and better outlook on life.
One thing to remember, you should look on the bright side. You might think that there is no good thing in making mistakes. But , there is. When you make mistakes, you get closer to the success. Dealing with difficulties makes us more ambitious and strong. Also learning lesson form mistakes is the biggest assistant to reach the success. Because, if you know your mistake, you would not repeat them in the future.

So in short what I would like to say is accept the mistake with dignity,don't pass on the mistake on others, try to find out the reason, analyze, learn and try not to repeat.

Keep smiling guys...