Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Year Resolutions

Friends Every year, during our birthday or January 1st we take new resolutions and think to follow them..some times we follow but some times we do not. If we write down the resolutions on a paper and go through it once a while..it will definitely make a difference.....Just 10 more days to go for the new year...this is my new year resolution...what about ur's?

  1. Should get up at 6 in the morning daily , should do exercise daily and need to take care of my health.

  2. Should read at least 2-3 books in a month ( 1 fiction,1 knowledge based and 1 PD)

  3. Give only 10-15 min time for social networking sites in a day

  4. Everyday should be better than previous day…every night you need to introspect your selves

  5. write at least 1 articles in a month in the blog

  6. Should complete Bible by June at any cost…should read in detailed way

  7. Learn German language and french language basics...Generate new hobby like painting

  8. Do service i.e give donations to orphanage, old homes and leprosy affected people and spend some time over there

  9. Don’t ever show dominance at any point in your work

  10. Never hate anyone.....work hard….enjoy the work

  11. Don’t waste time by thinking about stupid things , unnecessary issues

  12. Should be loyal……….never lie…Be sincere in your deeds

  13. Do all the things which frighten you generally

  14. Should improve skill set in all areas…u need to be expertise in everything

  15. Need to achieve target at any cost…..

  16. You are not going to get anything by feeling pressure…try to come out of that as soon as possible and rock….don say to anyone that you are facing problems.

  17. Be cooooool…keep smiling every time and make others happy


Monday, November 15, 2010

"Be like a Child"

My blog title is “ Road to Success”, but I just gave a thought actually what is the meaning of “success”, which I should have done before writing my first post. I have opened the dictionary and seen the meaning of success, it is given favorable achievement and good fortune.
There might be different school of thoughts regarding success, according to me the end result of being success is happiness or else I will put in this way to be happy we want to be successful.
At the end of the day, to keep in simple words “everyone wants to be happy”. Happiness levels differs from individual to individual.
Human beings are divided into two groups-first, those who took joy in what they do, second is those who complained about what they did. Friends try to be in first category.
For few people happiness is a state when you are content with what you have, have no regrets and are not worried about the future, sometimes happiness comes naturally and at other times,it may require some effort.
There are moments when problems occur in our lives, and we cannot avoid them. But they are there for some reason. What reason? That is a question we cannot answer before, or even during the trials, only when we have overcome them do we understand why they were there
Happiness comes from our attitude towards life. I firmly believe in being happy with what ever god has given, Most of all, it is when I think of being here on this earth that it makes me happy and grateful to the supreme being above who has given me the chance to experience life.
To keep simple,happiness means being free from pressure and leading an uncomplicated life. Its important to keep track of the simple pleasures in life. Friends did u ever experience the happiness in giving, I request you to visit atleast once in a month or 2 months to any near by orphanage or old age home and spend some valuable time over there and donate. I bet the happiness you get over there is 100 times better than our normal parties , I am not saying to stop partying but once a while spend some time in orphanages , just among 4 week ends you allot 1 week end to this.

Be like a Child

When ever we see a small kid we smile and try to make them smile. Friends a child can always teach us 3 things
1)To be happy for no reason
2)To be always be busy with some thing
3)To know how to demand with all his might that which he desires
Friends if we just give a small chocolate to the kid who is crying, he stops crying and smiles immediately. Children have no past , everything that matters is the present moment, they forget their past immediately and live in the present. We should try to be like child and enjoy each and every moment of our life without any tensions.
People are strange if they get success, the credit goes to them, but if they fail destiny is responsible, instead of thinking what went wrong we say our fate is not good..But friends generally unless a 'do or die' situation confronts us, we never act on anything.
I would like to end the post with a story from the life of king Shivaji which inspired me a lot.
Tanaji was a military commander in King Shivaji's army. History says that while Tanaji was at his son's wedding, he received urgent summons to capture the fort atop a mountain which had come under the enemy's possession. Tanaji left his son's wedding and quickly collected his men to attack the enemy and recapture the fort.
“ At nightfall, Tanaji decided to climb the mountain using ropes. They chose the most difficult terrain as the enemy would least expect that. On reaching the top, Tanaji ordered his men to cut all the ropes they had used so there was no way of going back. His juniors advised him against it, but the mighty courageous Tanaji knew better. Now as they are having no other option but to win the war to survive. Tanaji's warriors put on their best possible fight. By early next morning the fort was recaptured.
Moral of the story is “People don't perform when you give them options. They perform better when there is no other option!”
so friends don't worry if you are not having any option when you are facing problem...it will bring best out of you.
Keep smiling and make others smile.....take care

Monday, October 11, 2010

"Dream Big"

Dream big:
If you want to be successful you need to change your mind set first and start thinking big.
Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.
In Alchemist it’s written that when you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it. Try to have the desire in your heart. There can be no growth or progress without the feeling the nervousness in the pit of your belly.
According to neurology, speech center in the brain has strong influences over all the nerves.
“If some one keeps on saying , I am going to become weak, then right away all the nerves receive that message and they say “Oh lets prepare for weakness, for we have received instructions from our central communication that we should become weak.” Then in natural sequence they adjust their physical attitude to weakness
People easily adapt themselves to speaking in a –ve way
So dream big and positive and let the dreams develop into a desire to do great exploits
First recognize a clear cut goal in your heart, draw a mental picture of that goal vivid and graphic, and strive fervently through out the process.
Who so ever controls the tongue, controls the whole body, what you speak you are going to get. Never speak in a –ve way speak always positively ( Generally during crunch time if anyone commented us or insulted we just waste our time thinking that all the world is against us, it is just 2 or 3 against , forget about this two think about others and move a head in life)
If you start thinking that you are the best and if it is deeply imbibed in your mind then definitely you will have improvement. Find ways to challenge yourself each day. Give nothing less than your very best. Which every field you might be, start thinking about the person who has already proved that he is best in that field and try to empathize yourself in that position.
For that you need to shout
The genius with in me is now released, I now fulfill my destiny” and see how happy and confident you feel
When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too…
It’s very simple. Go through the following statements

1) Mastery is nothing it is just about making this day better than yesterday. (Take the example of Sachin Tendulkar, he has created many records but still he tries for more, we must have that passion)

2) Stop following “Student syndrome” method. Don’t wait till the last minute (90% of people say that they have studied only during the last minute i.e during the exams, 20% of people may be lying but once think if the remaining 70% people gives time for just few more days how they would have fared in their exams, it’s almost same for the employees regarding their projects.)

3) Introspect on yourselves every month…definitely it will help you to improve ( During the start of every month just write down what you want to do in that month and cross check after that , we usually think but writing down on a paper will definitely yield good result.)

4) Keep 4-5 tiny goals in a day and try to achieve them…this will help you up the ladder to success if you follow it regularly ( Eg- If you start getting up early i.e 6 in the morning,. you are saving 2 hrs a day, 60 hrs in a month and 720 hrs in year i.e you will get almost 1 month extra.)

5) Don’t worry about the things which you are not having ( When ever I travel in streets of Mumbai I used to feel bad by seeing the sky touching towers on the right side, at the same way after seeing towards left (slum areas), I used to thank God because I am not in that position)

6) Try to keep things simple, don’t make it complicated un necessarily..don’t make yourselves busy and don’t feel that you are more busy than actually you are in office.

7) Focus only on the best and neglect all the rest
Suppose you guys might be facing a problem with your boss i.e he might be taking the credit for the work you have done, don’t get discouraged because of that and don’t stop doing the work, continue to give 100%, don’t worry about result, hard work pays.

8) Stop looking for solutions in the last minute (General tendency is we evaluate in a detailed way and look for a solution only during crisis time, this should be avoided)

9) Potential unrealized turns to pain…so try to find out and work for it, it may take time but if not now you will regret in future

10) Its impossible to build a tribute to success on a foundation of excuses..so stop giving excuses
Blood, sweat and tears are necessary to reach dreams, hopes and joys, so always remember that initiative and hard work is the warm-up act for a headliner called “success
I end this by giving the quotes which I like the most in Alchemist
The fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself
The darkest hour of night comes just before the dawn
So friends, don’t worry about anything, be positive, have confidence, keep smiling rest all will follow…….”Rock the world” Keep Smiling

Friday, September 17, 2010

"Road to Success"

Dear friends,

From past few days I have been seeing many people, writing blogs on different issues..so I thought of giving it a try, but it took me almost 15 days to decide first of all what to write , where to start… At last I decided to write on the concept of “Personality development “..even though it’s a little boring concept but still I thought it would help atleast few guys…tried to explain in a simple way… so I am going a head with my first post named “Road to Success”. Enjoy reading

Change your thinking:

We always act according to our thoughts, so the first thing which we need to do is to change our thinking attitude from negative to positive. Don’t ever permit negative thoughts to take over your heart. If you have low self esteem, you will act as if you are unworthy and on no account. Most of the time we waste our time by thinking about stupid things, if we can just divert at least 20-30% of time towards our aim definitely we can bring a change and achieve the goal.

Be Mr. Positive:

Start thinking positively, the rest will follow but for that first the old needs to be cleared out before space for the new and better can arrive. Our life is bombarded with lot of thoughts. First we need to change our attitude and mindset. Important thing is we need to be patient during the process of change because change is always messy and we will be uncomfortable in the middle of the process. Refusing to change and grow is the most unsafe place you could be (As you all know that it takes time for the boy to get back to normal condition, if his girl friend leaves him (vice versa). Few will be thinking about her only, spoiling their mood, health etc etc , at the end of the day this guy is not going to get anything. Few will try to get back to normal condition as soon as possible and will go a head with their lives and few who are over positive will be very happy and start searching new substitutes) so its up to you to decide in which category you want to be.

There is no point in thinking about past and spoiling your future and you yourself becoming a hindrance for your growth.

You can’t craft a superb future by remaining stuck in your past. So it is vital that we renew our minds and think positively.

Renew your thinking life:

Change your way of thinking; do not stick to traditional thinking. Our thoughts are always a lamp to our feet to guide us to successful living. By just thinking positive and being confident only 70% of your work is done, so we need to just work for the remaining 30%. It’s very simple.

Most of the people think that you need luck factor in the process of success, but only 5-10% is lucky in their way to success. Stop thinking about that 5-10% people and start thinking about the remaining 90%. To become a successful person is not so easy.

Success doesn’t just happen because someone’s stars line up.

Success both in business and personal life is something that is consciously created.

Don’t worry if you fail in the initial stage, you learn to work by falling, you learn to lead by trying, but every misstep brings you closer to the perfect step. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, so don’t worry about the problems you face during this process.

Problem has a life span:

Every problem has a life span, there is no permanent problem, we are the one to determine how long that situation will remain in our life, till then problem will keep staring at us in the face until we are ready to face and attack.

Keep in mind that difficult days never last, but strong people always do. Hard conditions are nothing more than chances to become heroic.

Every problem has a solution:

Every problem has a solution, for the time being we may not have solution but that does not mean that there will never be one, we need to just try to find out the solution, the moment we get the answer, it’s no longer a problem for us. You will never know how high you can climb if you don’t even try. It is just the more time you spend outside of your comfort zone, the wider it grows. Start stretching yourselves.

The problem is not beyond us… I would love to quote few of my most favorite inspiring sentences of Bible: God will not allow any situation that is beyond your ability to come your way. The reason why God has allowed that situation to confront you, is because, He knows that you have what it takes to solve it. You are the only one that is ignorant of your capabilities. God knows what he deposited in you when He created you. Your ignorance has kept you bound and rooted in that problem for so long, but through His word, God is going to impart your life with light, shattering every form of darkness around you.

So friends be cooool, don’t worry about any problem, we are having guts to face that problem, try to stop worrying about past un-necessary worries and memories, and start being positive…will be back again in few days….

I hope the above things will definitely help you…..c u soon