Monday, October 11, 2010

"Dream Big"

Dream big:
If you want to be successful you need to change your mind set first and start thinking big.
Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results.
In Alchemist it’s written that when you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it. Try to have the desire in your heart. There can be no growth or progress without the feeling the nervousness in the pit of your belly.
According to neurology, speech center in the brain has strong influences over all the nerves.
“If some one keeps on saying , I am going to become weak, then right away all the nerves receive that message and they say “Oh lets prepare for weakness, for we have received instructions from our central communication that we should become weak.” Then in natural sequence they adjust their physical attitude to weakness
People easily adapt themselves to speaking in a –ve way
So dream big and positive and let the dreams develop into a desire to do great exploits
First recognize a clear cut goal in your heart, draw a mental picture of that goal vivid and graphic, and strive fervently through out the process.
Who so ever controls the tongue, controls the whole body, what you speak you are going to get. Never speak in a –ve way speak always positively ( Generally during crunch time if anyone commented us or insulted we just waste our time thinking that all the world is against us, it is just 2 or 3 against , forget about this two think about others and move a head in life)
If you start thinking that you are the best and if it is deeply imbibed in your mind then definitely you will have improvement. Find ways to challenge yourself each day. Give nothing less than your very best. Which every field you might be, start thinking about the person who has already proved that he is best in that field and try to empathize yourself in that position.
For that you need to shout
The genius with in me is now released, I now fulfill my destiny” and see how happy and confident you feel
When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too…
It’s very simple. Go through the following statements

1) Mastery is nothing it is just about making this day better than yesterday. (Take the example of Sachin Tendulkar, he has created many records but still he tries for more, we must have that passion)

2) Stop following “Student syndrome” method. Don’t wait till the last minute (90% of people say that they have studied only during the last minute i.e during the exams, 20% of people may be lying but once think if the remaining 70% people gives time for just few more days how they would have fared in their exams, it’s almost same for the employees regarding their projects.)

3) Introspect on yourselves every month…definitely it will help you to improve ( During the start of every month just write down what you want to do in that month and cross check after that , we usually think but writing down on a paper will definitely yield good result.)

4) Keep 4-5 tiny goals in a day and try to achieve them…this will help you up the ladder to success if you follow it regularly ( Eg- If you start getting up early i.e 6 in the morning,. you are saving 2 hrs a day, 60 hrs in a month and 720 hrs in year i.e you will get almost 1 month extra.)

5) Don’t worry about the things which you are not having ( When ever I travel in streets of Mumbai I used to feel bad by seeing the sky touching towers on the right side, at the same way after seeing towards left (slum areas), I used to thank God because I am not in that position)

6) Try to keep things simple, don’t make it complicated un necessarily..don’t make yourselves busy and don’t feel that you are more busy than actually you are in office.

7) Focus only on the best and neglect all the rest
Suppose you guys might be facing a problem with your boss i.e he might be taking the credit for the work you have done, don’t get discouraged because of that and don’t stop doing the work, continue to give 100%, don’t worry about result, hard work pays.

8) Stop looking for solutions in the last minute (General tendency is we evaluate in a detailed way and look for a solution only during crisis time, this should be avoided)

9) Potential unrealized turns to pain…so try to find out and work for it, it may take time but if not now you will regret in future

10) Its impossible to build a tribute to success on a foundation of stop giving excuses
Blood, sweat and tears are necessary to reach dreams, hopes and joys, so always remember that initiative and hard work is the warm-up act for a headliner called “success
I end this by giving the quotes which I like the most in Alchemist
The fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself
The darkest hour of night comes just before the dawn
So friends, don’t worry about anything, be positive, have confidence, keep smiling rest all will follow…….”Rock the world” Keep Smiling


  1. Awesome dillu, i loved the entire article, especially that neurology aspect. Sometimes unless you give some scientific examples, people dont believe these facts. the examples that you have given, very clearly state that these are your personal experiences and that is what makes this article special.

    Very nice yar...keep on writing suhc good stuffs.

  2. Its really nice to follow posts like this. It is really a message oriented one with good examples.. I like the way you expressed in this article..

    Expecting another article from you very soon.. Good work and keep it up.. Take care..

  3. This one is very inspiring and motivating with a very important method to keep one up and going....i too believe that what a person percieve himself is what he becomes and is what they way others treat him....this is a vicious cirlce which one starts take a person to the thicks of the stay away from it you have to keep motivating yourself....very nice post...I LIKE IT

  4. Good one dude..This will give me enough fuel to work for atleast another 2 to 3 months :).I still remember the old days..During our college days..whenever we return from holidays, we used to study hard for the initial first days...However it never got carried..Whenever we come across these type of blogs, it inspires a lot..

  5. Ur absolutly right, until and unless we think positive nothing can be achieved. Hindus believe that Goddess Sararswathi gives hes approval to our statements once in a day by saying Tathastu, but no one knows the exact time and the kind of statement she approves so it's good to think and talk positivly and get the approval. Ur blog works like energy boosters, keep feeding....i m sure that all the friends who ever read ur blog r waiting for the nxt one, keep it up.. it inspires a lot..

  6. This one is really impressive and inspiring..keep up the good work ra!.."The darkest hour of night comes just before the dawn".

  7. Hi Saphal,Gr8 article...I have been inspired by "The Alchemist" too.Article is thought provoking.
    Your Eclectic approach is good relating to various,philosophy,mgmt..gr8 going...

  8. hey man.....much improvementttttttttt
    nice workkkk
    keep goinggg
    ALL the very bestttttttttttttttt

  9. second blog is very inspiring compared to the first.........both the blogs really gives a hope that we have better future if we believe in it

  10. you've written out my mindset!!! awesome!!!
