Tuesday, July 16, 2013

“Letter to my Parents- Straight from heart”

Dear Mom & Dad,
There are so many things I'd like to tell you both face to face. I have been thinking for a while but never said with you both, I either lack the words or fail to find the time or place. I would like to share few things right from my heart through this post. You'll find, at least in part, the feelings that the passing years have left in my heart. The memories of childhood days and all that you have done to make our home a happy place and growing up such fun.
You both are my first role models, knowingly or un-knowingly many traits I have inhibited from you both. Would like to share few of the many things which I have learned.
Respect to elders : I think I was around 6-7 years when this happened, which was still in my mind as it was happened recently. One day 2-3 elders came to our house for normal visit, when they came, you asked me to wish them hello by folding hands, I said I will not wish and I went inside , you came inside and given me a tight slap ( That was the first and last time you have beaten me) and strictly warned me not to repeat and advised me to respect elders. I used to wish elders from then even though un-willingly it is after few years I have realized the importance of that and I can proudly say that I have never shown disrespect to elders at any point of time in my career till now.

Value of money : You started giving me and brother pocket money even when we were kids . Used to give us only when we have done some work. You asked us to work in the garden of our well wishers or work in our shop when ever there is free time or holidays. The best part is when we used to work in the shop, you have never treated both of us as your sons in work place, treated equally along with other workers. You have taught us the importance of money.
Holistic Development : You have never put pressure on us and made us keep our feet firmly on the ground and move around, never pushed us to study hard . You are strict at the same way given lot of freedom. I used to grumble when you used to say to mom that we have to wash our own clothes and clean our rooms at least once in a week. I used to not understand and grumble at that point of time. I remember you have encouraged me many times to learn at least one musical instrument and you have purchased and brought them to home, but still did not care much at that time. When I see anyone who plays any musical instrument now a days, I feel bad for not listening to you at that time. You have requested many times to learn 4 wheeler driving, but I have never tried saying when we will get chance to buy a 4 wheeler? After 15 years I have learnt but still I am not perfect. The list goes on if I start writing this type of incidents. During those days only you have encouraged us to have holistic development. It took many years for me to realize all these things. I can confidently say that even well educated present generation parents may not bring up their children the way you both have brought us up.
Helping Nature : You have taught us right from childhood to give to the needy in which ever way you can. Dad I still remember one incident where you called me one day and asked me whether I can help one leprosy patient for his eye operation, I have given that amount and was happy as I can help that patient, but I was totally moved when I came to know that as that patient was not having anyone in this world , you have taken him personally to other city and you were there with him for two days and brought him back after the operation was successful. Generally people suffering from leprosy are often ostracized by society,but being with them personally and helping is far better than just giving. Dad, I assure that I will help in what ever way I can to the needy ( I may not be able to do like you, but I will try ).
Mom , you are the sweeeeetest person I have ever met, the amount of patience you have is un imaginable. I am not even having 5 % of what you have ( I can proudly say that if I compare with friends or colleagues I am equal or better but ). I know that you have faced lot of problems when dad used to be on and off from hospitals and at home, but you have never shared those problems or burdens with both of us thinking that we may feel bad and it may affect us. We are grown up now , you can share with us everything. We may not call daily like other kids to their parents but we love you a lot.
Dad, you are highly inspirational to the present generation . At the age of 56 you have joined degree course and decided to sit in the classrooms along with the kids of age 18-20 . Best part is it is not just you applied you were preparing hard for exams and entered 3rd year.
We are in this position only because of you both. You both and brother are highly instrumental in shaping up my life... Would like to thank God for giving such a wonderful parents and brother. A big salute to you three.
Guys most of you must be having similar experiences like these, but now a days I feel sad when we listen that children are leaving their parents and not taking care of them.
Guys parents are our role models, please give respect to them , take care of them , don't ever neglect them, keep them happy, show love and gratitude and try to make them proud....

With love,
Your son


  1. Gud one ra.. We always forget in what situations our parents brought us to the position we are now.. nice reminder ra saphal

  2. Gud one ra.. We always forget in what situations our parents brought us to the position we are now.. nice reminder ra saphal

  3. Really Superb n inspiring Annaya... DeepthiRakesh

  4. Hi Saphuuu,

    Thanks for making me realize the value of parents, we generally keep them in our hearts but you have kept... I have to say all of our(childern) feelings on paper. This is really superb. Even I have the same respect towards mamayya and athayya and I keep telling the same to others. I also feel lucky to have such wonderful persons in my life.

  5. Wonderful post. It's good to have such wonderful cousins like you and also too good to know that the foundation for the same has been laid by Mamayya and Athayya. Also, this post made me also, go back in past and think about the sacrifices that our parents have made. Keeep rocking...:)

  6. hey they are the reason for who we are and what we are today .
    Withouth them we wouldnt have come so far.

  7. A moving letter. Good that you can pen down your heart like this. I think your parents will also be proud to see the fruit that is today, out of the seed that they have sown.
    Abhishek Ganeriwala

  8. Very nice thoughts from a clean and responsible heart...
    Parants are the first teacher for any child. Personally i feel that parants are noless than the god. Parants are the god who trained us, fulfilled our needs, feeded us when we knew nothing. so if any one has faith in god or not doesn't make any differance but making parants unhappy and disobeying them is equal to be in love with the devil...
    Todays child will become a parant tomorrow so be responsible.

  9. very nice one, Dill. truly "dil se"... it made me think. thank you for sharing your thoughts..

  10. Excellent one... Best wishes from heart to write

  11. Excellent one... Best wishes from heart to write

  12. Such a Wonderful and Heart Warming article about the Family.Thanks a lot Annayya for Sharing this inspiring Message.

  13. What u wrote about ur parents is quite correct as far as my rembrance is concerned..It is good on ur part to remember what ur parent did for u.They r immortal
    There r with u Safal
